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Bibliography of Indigenous Peoples in North America
Bibliography of Indigenous Peoples in North America (BIPNA) covers all aspects of Indigenous culture, history, and life in North America.
Brainfuse HelpNow
Homework help from a live instructor—kindergarten through college. SkillSurfer—for all ages, college test prep, ASVAB test prep, ELL, and Parent’s Corner (el rincón de los padres), US citizen test prep, GED test prep, and resume writing.
Credo Reference
Quick reference encyclopedias and dictionaries: art, biographies, business, geography, grammar, history, legal, medical, music, psychology, quotes, religion and science.
EBSCO Academic Elite
Search the entire EBSCO collection of full text scholarly magazines and journals, covering nearly every area of academic study including: technology, education, engineering, physics, chemistry, language, arts and literature, psychology, religion and more.
EBSCO eBook Collection
Search, browse, and read the complete text of thousands of free eBooks, including children’s books, adult fiction, non-fiction, and much more.
Education Resource Information Center (ERIC)
ERIC, the Education Resource Information Center, is an authoritative database of indexed and full-text education literature and resources. Sponsored by the Institute of Education Sciences of the U.S. Department of Education, it is an essential tool for education researchers of all kinds.
Espanol Bases de datos
Bases de datos – Si desea buscar en una sola base de datos, haga clic en el nombre que aparece abajo. Para buscar en más de una base de datos a la vez, marque las casillas correspondientes y haga clic en Continuar.
Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia
The Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia has over 25,000 easy-to-read encyclopedia articles for children covering an array of topics.
GreenFILE is a free research database covering all aspects of human impact to the environment. Its collection of titles includes content on global warming, green building, pollution, sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, recycling, and more.
Guide to the U.S. Government
Ben’s Guide to the U.S. Government, a service of the Government Publishing Office (GPO), is designed to inform students, parents, and educators about the Federal Government.
Health Source Nursing/Academic Edition
Full-text database covering nursing and allied health topics, including pediatric nursing, critical care, mental health, nursing management, medical law and more.
Covers 21 states and over 9 million records, including original landowners, antique maps and atlases. This resource can only be accessed in the library.
Search thousands of journals, reference books, and images on business, health, education, general science, and social science topics.
The Premier Index for Biomedical Literature. MEDLINE contains journal citations and abstracts for biomedical literature from around the world.
Mobile Printing
Print emails, documents, photos, boarding passes, web pages, and more at EOLS. Print directly from a library computer or use your smartphone, tablet, home computer, or laptop to send a mobile print request. Price List
Oklahoma Digital Prairie
More than 100 years of history, including documents, photographs, newspapers, reports, pamphlets, posters, maps, high school yearbooks up to the 90s, and audio/visual content.
ProQuest Black Freedom Struggle in the United States
Website offers historical articles, pamphlets, diaries, and correspondence from time periods in U.S. history marked by the opposition African Americans have faced on the road to freedom.
Read It! ELL Reference Center
The ELL Reference Center includes 1,000 articles, written especially for English language learners. The ELL Reference Center also includes information on life skills you need to know when you live in the United States. They can also help you to read street signs, how to use maps, and how to get a driver’s license.
The Gateway to Oklahoma History
The Oklahoma Historical Society has created a video full of tips and tricks to search for photographs, newspapers, maps, documents, books, and other resources on The Gateway. You can view the video here.
Tribal Treaties Database—Oklahoma State University
The Tribal Treaties Database provides an easy-to-use portal to access treaties, agreements, and other historical documents that have shaped relationships between tribal nations and the United States.
Voices of Oklahoma
Dedicated to the preservation of the oral history of Oklahoma, voices and stories of famous Oklahomans and ordinary citizens are captured forever in their own words in these far-ranging interviews.
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