


All classes are free online through YouTube and Virtual classes for any library card-holder ages 18 and over in Adair, Cherokee, Delaware, McIntosh, Muskogee, and Sequoyah Counties.

Library literacy programs use evidence-based techniques to provide one-to-one and small group tutoring and instruction. Programs are virtual through learning apps and YouTube, learner-driven, and they support adults in setting and achieving their personal goals. They connect learners with books, programming, and other library resources. And they provide opportunities for learners to develop and use leadership skills.

For those who do not have access to the internet, computers, or a smartphone, the libraries have computers and laptops available to use during regular business hours. Wi-Fi extends into the parking areas and is available 24-hours-a-day.

Volunteers Needed


 Minimum age of 21
 A high school diploma or equivalent
 English proficiency in speaking, reading, and writing
 Have a basic understanding of computers
 Attend tutor training
 Be dedicated and committed to your adult learner and the adult literacy
 Reside In the Northeast region of Oklahoma.
 Fill out an application form and background check

Contact Penny Chastain, Adult Literacy Coordinator to receive an online
application form at pchastain@eols.org or 918-682-6657

After completing your tutor training, you will have the choice of tutoring online
from home or coming to Muskogee Public Library Adult Literacy Department to
prepare and teach your lessons, or both.

The Adult Literacy Coordinator will provide computer literacy instruction for
tutors as required and necessary. When you begin tutoring, you and the Adult Literacy Coordinator will
communicate on a regular basis.

GED Test Preparation

Test prep tutoring for adults who wish to take the General Education Diploma (GED) that includes mathematics, social studies, science, and language arts components.


Before you apply for naturalization, you must meet a few requirements. Depending on your situation, different requirements may apply to you. Some of those requirements are that you must be at least 18 years old, be a permanent resident, be able to read, write, and speak basic English, and have a basic understanding of U.S. History and Government. These courses help you study for the written exam.

Adult Basic Education

General study of basic reading, writing, and mathematics. Helpful for those needing to brush up on skills for going back to school as non-traditional students.


Basic, conversational, and advanced ESL classes are offered to assist any adult English language student regardless of their level of mastery. These classes are online/virtual and free.

Have Questions?

If you would like information regarding the adult literacy program please fill out the form below and the Adult Literacy Coordinator will contact you.
2022 Request for Information about the Adult Literacy Program

Enroll Now

Adult Literacy Program General Enrollment Form 
This is a general enrollment form for any adult, 18 and over,  interested in attending an adult literacy class. (Virtual or In-person) After the Adult Literacy Department receives your enrollment form, you will be contacted by the Adult Literacy Coordinator to further discuss your options.

Become a Volunteer

2022 General Application for Volunteer Adult Tutor
The application is for adults, 21 and over, who are interested in being an adult literacy tutor.  (virtual and/or in-person)  You must live within the Northeastern area of Oklahoma. You will be contacted by the Adult Literacy Coordinator to further discuss your volunteer options.

Free Online Literacy Resources 

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