
Don’t have a library card yet? No problem! To have immediate access to the library’s collection, visit https://eols.org/library-cards/ to register for a 30-day temporary card. To get your permanent card, please visit your local library.

College & Careers

College Entrance Exams

Research the requirements of the colleges you’re interested in to learn about admission deadlines and which tests to take.

Vocational Training

“With the impact today’s technology has upon the professional world, many students find themselves better prepared for college and careers after completing CareerTech instruction. Oklahoma’s network of 29 technology centers on 59 campuses serves high school and adult learners with specialized career training in more than 90 instructional areas. High school students living in a technology center district attend tuition free, while adults are charged nominal tuition.”

Visit Oklahoma Career Tech to learn more about Oklahoma’s technology centers.

“There are many advantages to choosing a trade or vocational school over a traditional college. Mainly, it’s a faster and more affordable entry into your dream career. Also, since these jobs tend to be in demand, you’ll be ready for the future.”

Visit Best Trade Schools to learn more about all vocational school opportunities in your area.

Financial Aid

Apply for Oklahoma’s Promise – Allows 8th – 10th grade students from families with an income of $50,000 or less to earn a college tuition scholarship. Students must also meet academic and conduct requirements in high school.

Apply for Federal Aid

OKCollegeStart Scholarship Links

UCanGo2 Scholarships

College Bound Scholarship Search

Helpful Articles



Learning Express – Prepare for your college admission test with practice tests for ACT, SAT, AP classes and more from Learning Express!

Career Planning

Determine your interests, skills, and work values and use them to find career options that are right for you.

Learning Express –Learn more about careers & practice for career exams in health (nursing, dental, pharmacy & veterinary), law enforcement, military (ASVAB), CDL and more from Learning Express!

Occupational Outlook Handbook- Explore Careers with the Occupational Outlook Handbook from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Writing & Research Resources

Whether you’re a first-time college student, returning college student, non-traditional college student, or in secondary technical school or vocational training, these resources can help you in your studies.

Don’t have a library card yet? Get your library card using online registration!

Use the resource links below with your library card for valuable research and homework assistance.

Access the Online Catalog, Get a Library Card via our App

Sign up for a temporary library card, search the catalog, reserve items, see upcoming events, and more, with the EOLS Library App, for IOS and Android.

Brainfuse HelpNow

Homework help from a live instructor—kindergarten through college. SkillSurfer—for all ages, college test prep, ASVAB test prep, ELL, and Parent’s Corner (el rincón de los padres), US citizen test prep, GED test prep, and resume writing.

Credo Reference

Quick reference encyclopedias and dictionaries: art, biographies, business, geography, grammar, history, legal, medical, music, psychology, quotes, religion and science.

Digital Toolkit for Employers

The digital toolkit for employers features our many services for businesses, including a searchable database of campus-based employer services, a directory of business support services by institution, workforce projection data for Oklahoma’s critical occupations and materials you can share in the workplace. It also offers a variety of programs and services for your employees, such as access to micro-credential programs, degree completion programs that lead to employment in key fields, and options to determine how prior college credit, licenses, certifications, military service, and other learning experiences can be applied toward a college degree.


If you are new to computers, haven’t used them for a while, are a little unsure and uncomfortable, or just need a bit of a refresher, DigitalLearn has the tools to help you tackle technology at your own pace and gain the confidence you need to succeed.

EBSCO Academic Elite

Search the entire EBSCO collection of full text scholarly magazines and journals, covering nearly every area of academic study including: technology, education, engineering, physics, chemistry, language, arts and literature, psychology, religion and more.

EBSCO eBook Collection

Search, browse, and read the complete text of thousands of free eBooks, including children’s books, adult fiction, non-fiction, and much more.

Education Resource Information Center (ERIC)

ERIC, the Education Resource Information Center, is an authoritative database of indexed and full-text education literature and resources.  Sponsored by the Institute of Education Sciences of the U.S. Department of Education, it is an essential tool for education researchers of all kinds.

Espanol Bases de datos

Bases de datos – Si desea buscar en una sola base de datos, haga clic en el nombre que aparece abajo. Para buscar en más de una base de datos a la vez, marque las casillas correspondientes y haga clic en Continuar.

Grow With Google

Free training, tools, and resources to help you grow your skills, career, or business. Choose “Sign up with your organization” at the bottom of the window to create your free account, and use Eastern Oklahoma Library System as your organization.

Health Source Nursing/Academic Edition

Full-text database covering nursing and allied health topics, including pediatric nursing, critical care, mental health, nursing management, medical law and more.

Oklahoma Online Voter Registration

This wizard allows you to process online voter registration or produce a filled out Oklahoma Voter Registration form that you can then sign and mail to your local County Election board.


UniversalClass brings libraries lifelong learning courses in over 30 subject areas, many of which offer continuing education units (CEUs).

Career Resources

BlueCareer - for Job Seekers

Prepare for professional certification and boost earning potential through video training. Explore 600+ fully accredited trade schools, searchable by location and/or trade. Research hundreds of scholarship opportunities. Connect with thousands of employers across North America. No resume required!

Brainfuse JobNow

Brainfuse JobNow offers help with resume templates, including live resume experts, live interview coaching, unemployment enrollment assistance, and career assessments.

Brainfuse VetNow

Brainfuse VetNow offers live help to navigate VA benefits and resources, live job coaching, resume assistance, tutoring, and much more.

Digital Toolkit for Employers

The digital toolkit for employers features our many services for businesses, including a searchable database of campus-based employer services, a directory of business support services by institution, workforce projection data for Oklahoma’s critical occupations and materials you can share in the workplace. It also offers a variety of programs and services for your employees, such as access to micro-credential programs, degree completion programs that lead to employment in key fields, and options to determine how prior college credit, licenses, certifications, military service, and other learning experiences can be applied toward a college degree.


If you are new to computers, haven’t used them for a while, are a little unsure and uncomfortable, or just need a bit of a refresher, DigitalLearn has the tools to help you tackle technology at your own pace and gain the confidence you need to succeed.

Grow With Google

Free training, tools, and resources to help you grow your skills, career, or business. Choose “Sign up with your organization” at the bottom of the window to create your free account, and use Eastern Oklahoma Library System as your organization.

Mobile Printing

Print emails, documents, photos, boarding passes, web pages, and more at EOLS.  Print directly from a library computer or use your smartphone, tablet, home computer, or laptop to send a mobile print request. Price List

Oklahoma Career Guide

An easy online tool available for all Oklahomans to explore and guide their future—you can take assessments, identify occupations, establish education plans and, ultimately, connect to employers.

Professional Development Collection

This is a highly specialized database of full-text electronic information especially for educators, professional librarians, and education researchers.


UniversalClass brings libraries lifelong learning courses in over 30 subject areas, many of which offer continuing education units (CEUs).

Library Services


Computers with Internet access are available at each of the branch libraries. Library card holders are allowed 2 one-hour sessions each day. Children under 18 may be allowed Internet access with the approval of a parent or guardian. Visitors may request a Guest Pass at the service desk. Guests are permitted one pass per day.


We offer free wireless Internet access at all 15 branches.


Our branches offer a number of business services for a small fee. You can copy, fax, scan, or print emails, documents, photos, boarding passes, web pages, and more at EOLS. Work directly from a library computer or use your smartphone, tablet, home computer, or laptop to send a mobile print request.

  • Black and white prints are 15¢ per page
  • Color prints are $1 per page
  • Payment is by cash or credit/debit card [$5 or more]
  • Fax – Local, 800, Long-distance: $1.00 | International: $10.00 plus $1 per page | Receiving: $1.00


Notary services are offered at most branches. Cost is $2.00 per stamp. Contact your local library to determine availability.


Free proctoring services for individuals are offered at most branches. Contact your local library to determine availability.


Interlibrary Loan (ILL) connects patrons with libraries nationwide to borrow books and materials that EOLS does not own. Request and receive ILL materials at your local library.